Resolving anger

You’re pissed off and want to feel better.

Everything is making you irritated, frustrated, and angry. You’re tired of people pleasing and fake smiling. You feel so done with ignoring and downplaying your needs, your intelligence, and your skills. While the world expects women to be friendly, above all, you are growing more furious.

You pull away from your partner and friends, who don’t understand and maybe even call you bitter. You’re annoyed with your kids about their major, their partners, and their life choices. You’re frustrated with your elderly parents about things like not giving up their keys, refusing to social distance, or expecting you to accompany them to doctor appointments at a moment’s notice.

It’s hard to focus and you forget things like appointments, project deadlines, birthdays, and what you just read in your book a few pages ago. Sometimes you drink or smoke to escape from it all, just for a while. And you’re scared and angry about the state of our country and world.

Middle aged woman in sunglasses smiling

You can have peace

You can have a peaceful home and resentment-free relationships. You can feel better and find hope. Email me to schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation to learn how therapy can help you be in charge of your own happiness and get your needs met.

Choose your own adventure.