Stomach in Knots?

If you get a tight stomach even thinking about attending seasonal family reunions, here are some tips to loosen the knots.

Arrive well rested and well fed

It’s harder to manage your emotions when you’re tired and hungry. Even though the gathering might center around food, don’t starve yourself thinking you can eat with everyone else. Eat something hearty and nutritious, like a cheese sandwich, a bean soup, or even veggie sticks dipped in hummus, before you leave your house.

Have a support person

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The 10 most common questions I get asked about counseling

Is there something wrong with me? The short answer is no. There is likely nothing “wrong” with you.

How do I know if counseling will work? If you want to learn, change, or practice something about yourself, it will work.

How do I know if it’s working? A good therapist will work with you to set goals. 

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